Saturday, 20 June 2015

Reduce screen blue light - f.lux and RedShift

Day by day, artificial lights with a huge blue spectrum are becoming more ubiquitous.
By mean of the melatonin mechanism it is said blue light can influence the ability to sleep.
In pre-fluorescent era, the standard was the incandescent bulb: this bulb is known to radiate similarly to a 3500K black body, thus with a low blue component and with a low effect on the melanopsin-containing cells in your retina which reacts to light.
The change to fluorescent and led [and...] lights has changed the paradigm.

Long titles with math in LaTeX

Recently, while writing my dissertation I stumbled upon some difficulties with chapter and section titles.
The first problem was caused by too long headings, while the second by mathematics inside the pdf bookmarks when using hyperref .

Friday, 19 June 2015

Template Tesi e Frontespizio LaTeX UNIBO - Versione 2

Fresco fresco dalla laurea magistrale ho deciso di pubblicare il template che ho utilizzato per preparare la tesi in \( \LaTeX \).