When you start to be involved in scientific publishing, one of the side-effects is to become a reviewer for some journals. This side-effect is an extremely important part of the scientific publishing process, which should ensure the quality of the published papers. It has also some other advantages, as to be able to view the papers few months before they would be published. The major downside is the time required for a good review, even days.
To simplify the writing process I decided to create a simple workflow which is based on \(\LaTeX\), IEEEtran and pandoc. The final output will be made up of a .pdf file, formatted as an IEEEtran journal, and a .rst file, formatted as a reStructuredText. The .pdf is ideal for viewing the math, figures, etc., while the .rst file is ideal to be pasted in the comments part, which is the part that will be sent in the email to the authors.