Wednesday, 25 October 2017

PhD Tutorial: Position and Load Independent DC to DC Wireless Power Transfer System for Moving Applications

In order to pass to the third year of the PhD at the University of Bologna, it is required to give a 40 minutes presentation to first introduce your field, in the form of a tutorial, and then briefly show your research.

The presentation is organized as follows

  • Tutorial
    • Introduction to Wireless Power Transfer (WPT)
    • Inductive Power Transfer (IPT)
    • Class E Resonant Inverter
    • Advantages of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (WBG)
  • Research Contribution
    • Geometry Optimization of Sliding Inductive Links for Position-Independent Wireless Power Transfer
    • Design of a Position-Independent End-to-End Inductive WPT Link for Industrial Dynamic Systems

Introduction to Wide BandGap Semiconductors and Class E rectifier

As an assignment to achieve the PhD credits for the Summer School of Information Engineering, it was requested to write a short report. This is a very simple introduction to Wide BandGap Semiconductors and Class E rectifier.