Thursday, 6 August 2020

Matchable Loads from S-Parameters Defined Matching Networks

This post compares two different ways for finding the matchable loads \(Z_L^{'}\) that provide the desired impedance \(Z_G^{*}\) to the generator.

I will show the difference between two approaches, one rigorous and the other approximate, by using a set of S-parameters obtained by a black box network. The only requirement is that the black-box is linear, as the S-parameters requires linearity. For the curious, they are obtained from a binary weighted sweep of a lossy \(LL\) network composed of 1024 states in total from SimSmith.

Friday, 7 February 2020

STM32CubeIDE programmer and ST-LINK GDB server on Linux

This article discusses how to create a minimal set-up for running a gdb server on Linux using ST tools.

ST provides the STM32CubeIDE, which is an IDE based on Eclipse and designed to include the entire STM32 workflow. I am not super fan of all this super complex and bloated IDEs, as they tend force a fixed development strategy on the user. I therefore tried to look for alternatives.