Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Coupled coils and coupling coefficient: from fraction of total flux to inductance definition

It is possible to relate the coupling coefficient \(k\) to both the total (\(\phi_{1}\) or \(\phi_{2}\)) and shared flux (\(\phi_{12}\) or \(\phi_{21}\)) or to the self (\(L_{1}\) and \(L_{2}\)) and mutual (\(M\)) inductances: \[ k = \frac{M}{\sqrt{L_{1} L_{2}}} = \frac{\phi_{12}}{\phi_{1}} = \frac{\phi_{21}}{\phi_{2}} \]

Simple proof:

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Publication List using BibTeX and BibTeX-js

Sometimes it is useful to display a list of publications on a personal website.

There are many ways to do that, with the easiest being to write down each one by hand. While it is quite simple, it is also quite annoying and probably would leave the list not updated after few days (not a big issue for my few publications, but this is a different story).

One of the ways to deal with references is using BibTeX and the associated .bib files, which are the standard for \(\LaTeX\) and used also by JabRef as the default database format.

There is a nice Javascript library, BibTeX-js, which is able to parse and display .bib files, with the rendering done on the client side when the page is loaded. The only thing to do is to keep an updated .bib file, which is not too demanding, since it is also used for references in the papers.

I therefore decided to share my template, which I personally feel quite clean and nice and would be maybe useful to someone else. It is responsive and the bib link acts as a button to show the bibtex code of the single entry. The books, journal papers and conference papers are separated automatically and ordered by the year, with the newest being first. The clickable link on the DOI is automatically added using the doi value, while the link on the publication title is retrieved from the url value.

As an example see my publication list (Alex Pacini’s Publications).

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Appunti Laurea Magistrale e Triennale, Ingegneria Elettronica, Università di Bologna, Cesena

A volte le vacanze natalizie sono utili per riordinare un po’ e così, per liberare spazio, ho deciso di digitalizzare gli appunti. In realtà solo quelli più decenti, quindi non sono tutti i corsi ma solo alcuni.

Meglio sempre prendere il contenuto con senso critico, non dovrebbero esserci errori, ma nel caso lasciare un commento 🤓. Se pensate vi siano stati utili, accetto ben volentieri una birra! 🍻